

Weekly Pregnancy Photo Book

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One of my goals during the pregnancy was to document the entire process, week by week. I found the idea on another blog and thought it was the perfect mini-projct. Not only would it serve as a great reminder for me about milestones throughout the pregnancy, but I loved the thought of writing the journal entries to Madelyn herself to read when she grows older. Pregnancy was a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, but I'm very glad I jotted down an entry for each week (as difficult as that was to remember to do!) I love looking back, reading, and reliving the thoughts and emotions we went through as we went through the experience.

I'm excited to continue with this idea, as I've already begun a new photo book for Madelyn, documenting every month of her first year. Enjoy the book!


Lazy Sunday

     I love Sundays. Especially when Billy has the day off. Madelyn had a particularly good night's sleep last night (let's hope we have a repeat tonight!) This morning, we enjoyed some snuggle time in bed:

Then we had some relaxation in the bouncer:
A bath to get nice and clean:
Then visitation with family:

Then we went for our first walk:
I'm loving our new life together as a new family! 


Things we love about Madelyn - Day 9

      Welcoming Madelyn into our family has been a learning experience for us all. It's hard to imagine that our little girl is having to learn how to do everything new for the first time, and we are having to help her through all these changes while learning about her and our new roles as parents at the same time.

     I wanted to make a list of some things we're learning about Madelyn, and things we love about her. (OK - in reality we love EVERYTHING about the little peanut, but here's a short list. OH - and we realize these things are probably things all newborns do, but to us they are special because she does them.)

1. She makes these squeaky little sounds that resemble the sound of a bird.
2. She makes the sweetest little face when she's trying hard not to fall asleep - her eyebrows go up and her mouth opens into a little "o"

3. She keeps her arms up by her face, with her little shoulders scrunched up, where she probably held them throughout the pregnancy.

4. She smacks her little hands so loudly, especially when hungry.
5. She has a quick temper and her face turns beet red...and just look at that furrowed brow!

6. She is very easily consoled once she gets worked up.

7. Her little cheeks and lips are TOOO kissable. You seriously just can't help yourself from eating her up.

8. She is our little cuddle-bug.

9. For the first few days of her life, the ONLY time she went to the bathroom was on the changing table. Hehe.



Madelyn's Birth Story

     Welcoming Madelyn into the world was the most bewildering, overwhelming, frightening, but WONDERFUL experience of my life. I have been so excited to write down her birth story, because I don't want to forget a moment. As with the pregnancy, labor and delivery was a roller coaster whirl wind that was unlike my vision - but isn't that how everything is in life. Nothing goes according to the plan...our plan, that is.
   Last Tuesday morning I woke up, feeling great. I ran a ton of errands, such as getting my hair done (a necessity before giving birth!), picking up some last minute things from the store, ordering our stroller from Babies R' Us, and coming home to organize our linen closet and shampoo all the carpets upstairs. It was a productive day.

     For dinner we enjoyed a wonderful meal at a restaurant up the road. We had fried pickles and my mom joked that my water was going to break. I informed her that "only 13% of women's water actually break", and that certainly would not happen to me - I was for sure! Billy hugged my parents goodbye and jokingly teased that he would call them after the birth of our baby was said and done. We got in the car and drove home.

    As I was getting ready for bed, I bent down to feed Sophie some food and felt a strange, small gush. I couldn't be sure, but I knew something had happened that wasn't otherwise normal. I went upstairs and told Billy tentatively, "I think my water just broke". Billy, who was by this time snug as a bug in the bed, looked at me with skepticism.

     Over the next half hour, I paced around the bedroom, beginning to stuff some last minute belongings in the hospital bags that had been packed and ready to go for the last month. I had envisioned this moment for months, and couldn't believe it was actually happening this way.

   After calling the hospital, I jumped in the shower while Billy packed his bag. He needed several prompts to actually get out of bed and get going. I think he was in disbelief that this was happening as well. Billy called my parents to inform them of the news, and of course, based on the last comment made to my parents just a short time ago at the restaurant, they didn't believe him.

      After a lot of running around the house to gather odds and ends, we finally packed the bags to head for the hospital. Other than my water breaking, I had no signs of labor. After checking into our room, we spoke with the nurse and decided to begin walking the hallways to try and bring on some contractions. After about an hour of walking, we thought it best to go ahead and turn in for the night to prepare for the busy day ahead of us. When I was finally hooked up to the monitors and had taken a test that determined that my water had in fact broken, it was 2:00 in the morning. Billy made his bed on the couch and I tried my best to sleep, but it was a futile effort. We were going to meet my daughter in the morning! We were both so excited! (But we still had some anxiety - just look at Billy's face on the drive over!)

         When the morning rolled around, my contractions had not picked up at all, I was still about 2 and a half centimeters dilated, and we could tell labor would progress slowly. A new nurse arrived and informed us that the previous nurse had not documented the test she gave that confirmed that my water had broken. Therefore, my doctor arrived to give some more tests to see if my water had in fact broken, because they needed to be certain before administering Pitocin, which would help speed the process.

    After two tests that were inconclusive (one was positive and one was negative), and an ultrasound to measure the amniotic sac fluid levels (the fluid levels were on the low side of normal), one of the tests finally came back positive, proving that my water in fact had broken. (I knew I wasn't crazy!)

    Now that the doctor and nurses knew my water had broken, they could begin a Pitocin IV to speed the labor along. I wasn't thrilled about starting Pitocin, because my ideal labor would have involved my contractions progressing naturally, but I also knew that since my water had broken, the chances of infection were increased and I needed to deliver the baby within 24 hours. I knew that my other option was waiting and increasing my risk for a Cesarean - which I most certainly wanted to avoid.
      So, they began administering Pitocin at increasing levels every 30 minutes and checking the progress of my contractions. I steadied myself for the contractions to come on hard and strong - but they never did. After six hours on the Pitocin, my contractions were still mild and I was able to read, laugh, watch tv, and talk through the contractions. I foolishly though to myself, "Hey, this isn't so bad, I must have a high pain tolerance." The nurses were surprised to find me still relaxed as well.

     I finally reached the maximum level of Pitocin I could take before they needed to insert an internal monitor. Before they did; however, my doctor stopped in and explained she didn't think I was acting like my water had broken. I couldn't believe we were back to questioning this fact. She explained that sometimes, you can have a leak in the amniotic sac, but the water won't be broken all the way. Therefore, my doctor once and for all ruptured the amniotic sac. I was 4 centimeters dilated.

     Once my water was fully broken (once and for all!), labor truly started moving along. Five minutes hadn't passed before I finally felt the full force of the contractions. Like a light switch my labor took a turn towards the painful side. I immediately began thinking about the "e" word. The nurses had warned me in the beginning not to be a hero and ask for the epidural when I needed it. They also warned that it would take about an hour to actually get the medicine once I had asked for it. After a short time, I knew I didn't want to wait too much longer to ask for the anesthesiologist, and I started getting emotional. It had been a long day, but I didn't want to be a "wimp" and ask for the epidural too soon. 

   By the time the anesthesiologist arrived; however, I didn't care whether I was a wuss or not. I was ready to stop feeling those contractions. I have so much respect for those who give birth au natural! After the epidural, labor began to progress quickly, but I was so fortunate to be more relaxed and comfortable.
     After the epidural, the doctor inserted an internal monitor to track the intensity and frequency of my contractions. To their surprise, the contractions seemed "puny" and "weak". At this rate, they warned me that a Cesarean might be in my future if labor was going to progress this slowly. I was devastated, because, despite the epidural, these certainly did not feel like "puny" contractions to me! I was expecting some pressure with the epidural, but I was still feeling continuous pain. The doctor explained that our goal was for me to dilate 1 centimeter per hour in order to have a vaginal delivery.

    The internal monitor still seemed to baffle the doctor and nurses who were monitoring my labor. They just did not understand why the contractions were so weak. Furthermore, the contractions were very close together, which was a result of all the Pitocin that had been administered. This was not optimal because it was wearing out the uterus.The nurses began to decrease my Pitocin levels.

    After some time, the doctor decided to check my progress. To their surprise, I was 7 centimeters already, in a very short amount of time. The internal monitor was not working properly, and was therefore not a good indication of my contractions, which were worsening by the moment! After changing the monitor, I began to feel nervous, because I knew the end was coming...coming fast -- and I could feel it. The anesthesiologist explained that sometimes, when labor progresses so quickly, the epidural is not able to keep up. The nurse said she wanted me to "feel the pain", so I could push. I DID NOT want to feel the pain - I could feel it so much already - so the anesthesiologist gave me a small dose more to "take the edge off". Thank God!

     Very soon afterwards, it was already time to push. The 12:30-1:00 a.m. birth time estimate was quickly changing to much sooner. Although it was getting close to the 24 hour mark, I couldn't believe this moment was approaching. I was so nervous to push, but in the end, you do what you gotta do, and I knew I just had to see my baby - it was time! After 45 minutes of pushing, Madelyn entered the world at 10:49 p.m. I was so overjoyed to finally meet her.

     After delivery, we had some slight issues with my bleeding and Madelyn's breathing which added some tension to the room. However, after some quick treatment and "skin to skin" time with Madelyn, both issues were resolved and we were able to enjoy our first hour together as a family.

     I can't believe it's already been a week since Madelyn joined our family. As I've heard many other mothers and fathers describe, the love you feel is indescribable. I find myself staring at her in awe - she's so perfect, a gift from God. It's still surreal to look at her and know that she is a product of Billy and I - she is ours. I feel blessed to have her, and what's more - blessed to have the loving and supportive family, friends, and husband that have made her transition into the world a joyful and seamless one. I have so much enjoyed the time spent with family and friends as they shower her with love. I know she will be blessed her whole life because of all the wonderful people we have in our lives.


Madelyn is here!

     After 9 months of waiting, we are the proud parents of our beautiful baby girl. She was born Wednesday, August 15th at 10:49 pm. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and measured 20 inches long. Our love for her is growing each minute, and we are loving these first few precious days of getting to know this beautiful gift from God. Words cannot express how grateful and humble we feel to be chosen to be Madelyn's parents.

     I can't wait to write about her birth story - coming very soon!


Our Wish

     Well...it's one week until our due date! (Warning: this post is all about me getting introspective.)

It's so strange and hard to believe that in a matter of days, and at any moment, our lives will be changed -- forever. Waiting around for that moment is hard! As I sit here and contemplate all of the joys and hardships I know we will face in the upcoming weeks, months, and, let's face it...years, I think about what I really want as a parent for our daughter.  These are our wishes for our little girl before she enters our world...wishes I hope we as parents can instill in her, and wishes I pray God blesses her with all her days.

- Fist and foremost, I pray for her to be healthy, strong, and thriving

- I pray that we are able to provide her with stability and security through our marriage and love for one another

- I pray that we are able to teach her humility and selflessness, so that she may be a blessing to those she meets
( Matthew 5:16:  ...Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.)

- I pray we give her a strong foundation of faith that grows within her through the years
(Proverbs 22:6: Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.)

- I pray we teach her independence and confidence to achieve the goals she sets forth to reach

-  I pray that she always dreams big, but is able to stay grounded

- I pray that she is intelligent, but even more than that, I pray she has wisdom

- I pray that she has an appetite and curiosity for life that helps her discover herself and her world

 I know our wishes for our daughter will rapidly change, continuing to grow and evolve as we learn about parenting and our life together as a family... and as we learn about her! I wanted to write our list down so it could serve as a guiding reminder for us as we welcome her into the world. Hopefully it will be something to look at occasionally, and ask ourselves, "How are we living day to day?", and,  "Are we teaching her the lessons and building her character the way we envisioned?"

Until then, we will wait for her to arrive, any day now! Our anticipation and excitement continues to grow as we predict when and how she will make her entrance.

Billy had a dream about August 16th last week, not specifically a dream about her being born on that date, but just had a dream about the date itself. What about you? Any bets on when you think she'll arrive? We will definitely keep you posted if there are any developments!

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17


Organizing the pantry

    So...with 10 days until the due date and summer school being over, I am enjoying these last few days of summer, with relaxation and organization! 

Billy and Bella are enjoying some relaxation too (here and there). 

   The first thing I wanted to tackle was our pantry, which has always been a too small space for our food and kitchen supplies. Although it's small, I knew we could be utilizing it in a better way. So, with a little time and energy throwing out all the expired items so I could see what we really had, our pantry originally looked like this: 

With spillover storage in one of our cabinets for cans, which never worked, because we could never tell what we had, and it was separated from the rest of the food!
To this: 

A place for all our cans, and we can see what we have! 

It is so much more neat and organized (even if it doesn't look like it). We even have empty space on that top shelf - yesss! In the future, we will put in wider shelves to accommodate more food, but for right now, we seem to have the space we need.

And, with the space we saved by putting the cans in the actual pantry, I was able to use that shelf  for all of the baby's feeding supplies. (Which aren't exactly organized right now, but I wanted to wait and see what we really need and use before taking EVERYTHING out of the boxes before she comes). This shelf is so easy to access, so hopefully it will work for baby storage. I am just so glad I found a place for it all.

I also did a quick clean up of the shelves above our laundry closet. By moving all the random stuff that was lurking in this closet and moving it to where it actually belonged, I made room for - empty space! I know it won't take long to find something to put in these empty spaces, but I like that we have room for "stuff", whatever it may end up being! (I don't have a before, but trust me - it's better than it was.)
I took all the random cleaning supplies we had haphazardly sitting on the shelves and used a shoe organizer on the pantry door to house them all. I love that it created more room, and that all the supplies can be found EASILY in one central location.

Now, every time I walk into the pantry, I have a feeling of calm come over me, as opposed to panic. Everything has a place, is consolidated, and we can see exactly where it is...I love this nesting thing! :)


38 Weeks

      Well, the countdown is on! After visiting the doctor yesterday, she assured me that things are moving in the right direction, and we're making progress. I am almost 2 cm dilated and 30% effaced. The baby has still not moved down any further from the position she dropped into a few weeks ago. Once she moves down and puts more pressure, the doctor explained that the contractions will more than likely start. For right now, it's a waiting game - and labor can start at any time!


Baby Shower

     On Sunday I was so fortunate to have another baby shower, thrown by the amazing group of women that go to Asbury Church. I love how close they've stayed throughout the years, and it was so neat thinking that most of these women were pregnant at the same time my mom was, and they've been able to experience their children growing up together. I hope the same will be true for my friends and I! What a wonderful support group to have!

       The shower was fun, especially with games such as: "Complete the nursery rhyme" and "What candy bar is smushed in the diaper?" --- very interesting to say the least!

 Madelyn, of course, received many new cute outfits. I can't wait to see her in them all! I think I'll have to change her clothes ten times a day at first so I can document all the stylish outfits we have for her, and so she can wear them all!

 Bella enjoyed the adorable outfits as well, before they were washed. (I just had to include this picture, because for the next few days only, she's still our number one baby).

I was so glad to make it to the shower - with only two weeks until the due date I had been getting nervous I wouldn't make it! Now all the gifts are washed and put away and organized in the nursery, so we're getting there! 

Now that Summer School is over and we are preparing each day for her arrival, I am starting to have a little less anxiety (besides the fact that I woke up last night and couldn't turn off my brain and laid awake from 3 am - 6 am). 

Although I don't think we'll ever be 100% ready, we are getting there. This week I'm busying myself with organizational projects (currently working on the pantry, then laundry closet!)

... What a mess!

This "nesting" thing is great - now I have a million projects that I'm dying to get to!

According to the survey I posted last week, almost everyone voted they thought baby would be coming early. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon so I will definitely probe her about her thoughts on what she thinks. Either way, she'll be making her arrival very soon, yay! :)