

A Visit from Nana

    On Saturday, Pam had the opportunity to travel back up to VA to visit Miss Madelyn. Although the visit was much too short, we were so glad she was able to take a break from work and spend some time with us. We packed a lot into a short visit, which was great, as we were able to take full advantage of the GORGEOUS weather.

     As soon as we picked Pam up from the train station, it was off to the pumpkin patch to pick out Madelyn's first pumpkin.

   We enjoyed the whole experience - from our homemade BBQ plates to the hayride. I can't wait until Madelyn can pick out her own pumpkin...maybe next year! This time, she enjoyed a warm cozy nap in the carrier as we found one just right for her.

           Of course, we did have to stop halfway through our visit to feed little Missy...
and burp her!
     All in all, we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day - and we found our pumpkins!

     The next day, we decided to bring a picnic lunch to Maymont Park.
After feeding Madelyn and ourselves, we enjoyed a stroll ( ok - it ended up being a HIKE - eek! especially with the stroller) around the park. What an adventure!

By the end of the day, everyone was worn out, but it was worth it to be out in the fresh air. I can't wait to go back soon, when the leaves begin to change, and enjoy the park some more!

What a wonderful visit from Nana, and we can't wait until she can visit again soon! We love you!


One Month Check-up

     Wow! I seriously cannot believe it's been one month since our Madelyn joined the family. The last few weeks have been a blur, as we learn about each other and struggle to get on a routine (HA!) It's amazing how much she's already changed since she came into the world, so I try to remind myself each and every day to enjoy every moment.
        One of the milestones we reached this week includes...SMILING! And no, I'm not talking about the smiling she does when she's "milk drunk" or is passing gas. I'm talking about focusing in on your face, grinning from ear to ear, and melting your heart. (Nevermind that she only seemed to smile her biggest smile for her "Aunt Taylor"...Mommy was just slightly jealous!)
          For her one month "birthday", we celebrated with a girls weekend - how fun! "Aunt Taylor" and "Aunt Lauren" visited from Charlotte and we spent the day shopping in Carytown. I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends! I can't wait until we can travel down to Charlotte or until they can visit again soon!

     Poor thing is still dealing with some intestinal issues; however, so the pediatrician suggested a dairy free diet for me - ugh. I have a feeling this is going to be difficult. Especially for someone who LOVES yogurt, cheese, cereal, ice cream, the list goes on and on...
     If it makes little Missy feel better, I will do whatever it takes. Hopefully in two weeks we will have a much less fussy baby on our hands.

(I don't know, though - she seems to be a little diva. As I sit here and try to type up a quick update, she has been napping peacefully in the bouncer for the past twenty minutes. This is the first time I've been able to put her down all day. The bouncer's vibration mode cut off, and she IMMEDIATELY began wailing at the top of her lungs out of nowhere. As the nurse at the pediatrician's office noted today, she is a "movement junkie". Even in the car, if I stop at a stoplight, Madelyn will begin crying in protest - wow, what a handful! :)

    Anywho, back to Madelyn's month stats:

Weight: 8 punds, 13 ounces (34%)
Height: 21 and a quarter (53%)
Head circumference: 14 and three quarters (57% - does this mean she is going to be so smart?! We think so!)


A Picnic in the Park

     Wow! It's hard to believe that Madelyn is already four weeks old. I don't like saying she is a month already. This makes me realize how fast the time is going to fly by. She is still a little peanut, but noticeably longer - she is almost too long to wear some of her newborn footed onesies. :( I am trying everyday to follow everyone's advice - just enjoy every moment, even the sleepless nights (we've definitely had lots of those lately!), because she'll only be this size once, and it's so special.

     I've been wanting to get on and write and post pictures everyday, but it's amazing how fast the time flies when you are at home with a newborn. Most days I barely have time to hop in the shower, which is something I make myself do every day without exception. Between nursing, changing diapers, and rocking little Missy, the day is gone before it's even begun. I am having a hard time getting basic things done, especially on difficult days when it seems Madelyn only wants to be held and won't let us put her down.

     I am building my confidence taking her out and about in the neighborhood on walks, but definitely take advantage of days that Billy has off so we can do things together as a family outside of the home as much as possible. The weather has been just too beautiful, so on Sunday we decided to go to the park for a picnic. "Gigi" and "PaPaw" came along, and we made it a point to bring Miss Bella, too. She was definitely glad we did.

Bella was in need of some fun time with Grandpa, for sure.

What a beautiful day. We can't wait to enjoy another day at the park very soon!


I Carry Your Heart

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

- E.E. Cummings

Since I've had Miss Madelyn, this poem has been resounding in my head. It's always been one of my favorites, but to me, I feel as if it now has a deeper meaning to me. As any parent knows, the love of a child is just so pure and unconditional. She melts my heart, and I know that as long as I'm alive, I'll carry her heart with mine.


Newborn Pics

     This week, I took Madelyn back to the doctor to have a weight check in, because we've noticed that she's been having difficulty keeping her meals down. We were relieved to see that she is back above her birth weight, weighing in at 7 pounds, 10 ounces. The doctor confirmed that she has acid reflux, which up to 50% of newborns have. Unfortunately, Madelyn seems to have a severe case. We hate seeing her in discomfort and pain :( The doctor prescribed some Zantac that we give her twice a day. He said that the medicine will not help the reflux, but will hopefully help her discomfort. She will more than likely outgrow the reflux between 12-18 months. We've had a tough few days (and nights!), so we're hoping it kicks in soon!

     On a happy note, here are some beautiful pics that Billy's brother took during a photo shoot in our front yard week one. They are so good! Carter definitely has a talent and he is pursuing his photography career, so we were happy to let him experiment with some shots when he visited! :)