Well, summer seems to be flying by - and so do the weeks! I can't believe that in two days I will be considered "full term" at 37 weeks! People who see me; however, would certainly believe it, because apparently, I look like I could "pop" any day (which always causes me to say a little prayer that our baby decides to join us on the due date or a little after).
To me, it's like Christmas, or your wedding - although you're looking forward to it, can you really every TRULY be ready? My answer is no. There are still things to be done to prepare. This week alone, I've kept busy with my weekly doctor's appointment (still 1 cm dilated), 3 prenatal consultations for pediatricians, an infant CPR class, and our childbirth class. Our most recent project on the "to do" list that just decided to pop up involves fixing a leak in our ceiling from our upstairs bathroom - there is always something!
Maybe I will change my tune and be ready after a few more weeks of 100 degree temperatures, swollen feet and ankles (we're talking MAJOR cankles), back aches, insomnia (I know, I know, I need to get used to that one), waddling, and "glowing" (aka sweating).
In the mean time, we've got all the baby gear popping up around the house, such as our swing: (Thanks Janis, Jenn, and Jordan!)
By the way, Bella seems to think this swing is a comfy little bed for her, as she has tried on multiple occasions to jump into it with no success. (Poor thing still has no idea what she's in store for!)
And our bouncer:
Thanks, Uncle Matt & Abbey!
Then there's our Pack N' Play, where baby will hopefully nap and have her diapers changed downstairs:
Thanks, Aunt Linda!
Speaking of diapers, they are all packed in and ready to be used! (Thanks, Tiffany!)
.... This weekend our hope is to finally install the car seat and get some other organizational work done around the house. I also need to go buy the rest of the supplies we'll need so we can finish packing our labor bags. I guess it's nesting time in full force!