Throughout the pregnancy, much to my surprise, I experienced an emotional roller coaster ride. I had originally that it would be a wonderful time of anticipation and joy, but I also grappled with feelings of doubt and stress, as I worried about how this little one would forever change life as we knew it. I spent nine months doing all I could to prepare, but I would soon discover that all my preparation would be in vain, because in the end, you can't truly ever prepare yourself for your first baby.
Parenthood is definitely a learn as you go process, and I find myself learning something new every day. Going along with that learning comes loving. Everyday I find myself loving even more than I thought possible the day before. I stare into the eyes of our little miracle and I thank God everyday we were chosen to be her parents.
I sit here in our living room and look around at a room that would have been unrecognizable a year ago - surrounded by toys of every shape, color and size. I realize that a good night for us means getting the opportunity to relax in front of the TV and turn in to bed around 10:00. I realize that we don't have the luxury of hopping in the car and going to catch a movie or go out for dinner anytime we have the urge. I realize that my "spare time" is now spent washing bottles, folding onesies, and pumping, even when I'm dead tired. I also realize, that despite all of this, I wouldn't have it any other way, because the rewards we reap when we see that smile spread across Madelyn's face is worth any trivial sacrifice.
We are blessed, and are hopeful that God will continue to grace us with continued love, laughter, and learning in the new year to come. <3