

Can we freeze time for a minute?!

    I've said it more than once this month..."Can we freeze time for a minute?" 

 I just LOVE Madelyn at 6 months. She's so content, so happy, and so FUN. 

It's no secret that little Missy was not the easiest baby, but these days, she has done a complete turn around, and I am enjoying every smiling, laughing moment.

She's not mobile yet, and as far as I can tell, she has not begun teething. She can sit up on her own, and unless she's hungry or tired, she doesn't make a fuss. 

Everyday I look at my little girl and she just keeps growing - bigger and bigger - and I just want to keep her this size and enjoy her for a little while. With each passing week, that personality comes out a little more, and her chubby face changes slightly. It's a daily struggle to remember, amidst everything else, not to take one single moment for granted, and to really BE THERE...

...which means capturing every moment I can. Including the following three minute video of her talking in the afternoon. For a wee little one, she has so much to say. 


Snow Day

     There's just something about a snow day that I love. The silence that falls around you and cuts out the noisy hustle and bustle of day to day, and lets you listen to the things that are truly important...the excuse to hunker down and snuggle in bed as long as possible as the snow piles up around you...

I especially love snow days when the hubby if off, which we know, doesn't happen often. It allows us time to just BE, the three of us, my loves.

    So, although I'm certainly ready for spring, I'll take one more day to just relax and put the rest of the world on hold, until tomorrow...when the rat race will continue!