I've said it more than once this month..."Can we freeze time for a minute?"
I just LOVE Madelyn at 6 months. She's so content, so happy, and so FUN.
It's no secret that little Missy was not the easiest baby, but these days, she has done a complete turn around, and I am enjoying every smiling, laughing moment.
She's not mobile yet, and as far as I can tell, she has not begun teething. She can sit up on her own, and unless she's hungry or tired, she doesn't make a fuss.
Everyday I look at my little girl and she just keeps growing - bigger and bigger - and I just want to keep her this size and enjoy her for a little while. With each passing week, that personality comes out a little more, and her chubby face changes slightly. It's a daily struggle to remember, amidst everything else, not to take one single moment for granted, and to really BE THERE...
...which means capturing every moment I can. Including the following three minute video of her talking in the afternoon. For a wee little one, she has so much to say.
We love the video. She gets cuter everyday - -wait is that possible???