

She's finally crawling! 6/27/13

You'd think that now that summertime is here, life would slow down a little. It has, to some extent. But we still have a lot going on in our household. Including chasing after a little one who has FINALLY become mobile. I knew it was only a matter of time, and I knew it was going to complicate life, but I was so excited when she mustered up the strength and determination to crawl!

In the weeks leading up to her crawling, we may have tried to entice Maddie a little by placing trails of Cheerios on the floor, which resulted in a commando-style, stomach to the floor wiggle, which was close, but it still wasn't crawling. She had gotten really good at rolling to where she wanted to go, but finally, about two weeks ago, she got the coordination to take off. The thing that entices her most are cords and electrical outlets. It's safe to say we had to immediately go into baby proofing mode. 
Here she is almost crawling, and then finally taking off!

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