

Baby Boy Update

 A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of going to see our baby boy again in a 4D ultrasound. We were visiting the specialist to see if his kidneys were dilated, as they were in our 20 week ultrasound. 

At our 25 week 4D ultrasound, the doctor had assured us that everything besides the kidneys looked great, measurement-wise. At that appointment, the kidneys were a normal size, but at this 35 week ultrasound, the right kidney did in fact show some dilation again. 

The doctor said this really is not something to worry or stress about. Sometimes the issue resolves itself, and sometimes surgery is scheduled to correct the situation. Our next step is to wait until baby is born and follow the pediatrician's orders - sometimes they will want to schedule an ultrasound before leaving the hospital, and sometimes they wait until about a month after the baby is born. 

So for now, we will just have to wait and see what the pediatrician wants to do. The specialist mentioned us coming back at 39 weeks to check the kidneys out again, but we are thinking we will probably just wait until baby boy is here. 

While we were there, we were waiting anxiously to see his cute little face. Unfortunately, the appointment was scheduled for early morning - right during baby boy's nap. Sooo, we were hard pressed to get a good shot of his face. He kept his hands over his face the entire time, and even when poked and prodded, he refused to let us get a good look at him. 

The only pictures we could manage were the two below - which are so funny because you can tell he is NOT happy about being woken up during his rest time. He is even poking that little lip out - too cute. 

I suppose we'll just have to wait a few more weeks until we see exactly what his little face will look like. But I bet one thing is for sure - when he falls asleep those little hands will be up by his face.

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