Summer is finally here!
For me, it's actually been here for the past 10 days (perks of being a teacher - yea!) I've been spending that time reveling in the glory that is summer - later nights with my hubby, mornings with my babes, splashing in the pool, fireflies in the front yard, the occasional mid afternoon nap in the heat of the day, a cold drink in my hand, and the time to refocus on what's important and not get lost in the day to day.
Summer is my time to recharge, refuel, relax. Because the kiddos have to go to daycare twice a week in order to reserve their spot for the school year, I've been blessed with some much needed "me" time. I'm using that time to do things that need to be done, such as clean the house, run errands, meal plan, and sleep (Liam has been regressing in his night time sleeping lately!)
One of the most important things I need to do involves taking care of myself - getting myself healthy for myself and my family. Since I've been pregnant basically nonstop for the past two years and working full time, I've had little energy or time to devote to a workout routine, and I'm now in the worst shape of my life as a result. I'm hoping that writing about my journey will keep my more accountable, although to me, getting fit has always been a very personal thing. However, I'm going to put myself out there and check in every now and then with how it's progressing.
One of the blessings of Billy's job includes our free membership at the Y. He suggested I check out their "Lose Big" 12 week program that meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings - the same days I take the kiddos to the sitter. It's nice to work out with a group of women twice a week who can also help encourage and keep you accountable without any distractions or pressing deadlines. After the "Lose Big" workout, there is a "Body Pump" class that meets that I will also be attending. So, every Tuesday/Thursday from 9:45-12 each week, you'll know where to find me - working on myself.
Wish me luck!
Good for you Steph. A little for you. Love you.