

2 months!

     Today is Madelyn's 2 month birthday! I say it every time, and I'll say it again - TIME FLIES.

As my cousin, Jenn, once described shortly after the birth of her daughter, Emily - having a baby is like Christmas, you gradually open a new gift with each milestone and new development...the first smile, laugh, and those precious "coos"...they are all so special and new with a baby. As I get sad thinking about Madelyn already outgrowing her newborn diapers and newborn clothes, my Mom reminds me that each new phase brings with it something new that is better than the last.

I am LOVING the looks and excited sounds upon seeing our faces and hearing our voices. It brings us so much joy to just sit and make her smile and laugh.
Today Madelyn had her 2 month check up. I had a long list of questions for the doctor - mostly about her sleep patterns and how they would or would not affect her development. His opinion was that at this age, for some babies, it is simply too difficult to put them on a routine. He said that by our next appointment at four months, we can start talking about this if it is still an issue. Until then, I am still going to keep implementing a 3-hour routine as best as possible. Hopefully she will adjust to it the more consistent I am and the longer we try. I feel strongly that all babies (and children, and adults for that matter), need a consistent routine - and I think Madelyn is a baby for whom this is especially true. I am basically following the basic routines outlined in "On Becoming Babywise" and "The Baby Whisperer Solves all your Problems"... 3 hours between feedings, followed by a "wake time" or "activity time", and then nap. Or in Madelyn's case - lots of fussing and fighting off sleep until it's time to eat again :)
The doctor assured us that babies like Madelyn are "pistols", and when her toddler years come, he let us know that she will give us a run for our money. However, he seemed to think that she would be loads of fun when she finally grows up and becomes a leader of the pack - we will see if he is right!
Until then, he just assured us and told us to keep doing what we're doing. Teamwork is key with any baby, but we've definitely been relying on each other a lot when the crying and no sleep gets to be too much. However, I don't suppose I should be complaining TOO much because last night, after hours of rocking, jiggling, talking, humming, and shusshing, Madelyn FINALLY fell asleep --- FOR EIGHT HOURS STRAIGHT!  I was amazed. Of course, her little body most definitely needed it after fighting it off for so long. She's also been sleeping well today (since her five immunizations, poor thing) - so we will see how she does tonight.
Here are Madelyn's growth records taken today at the doctor's office:
- Height: 22 inches (20th%)
- Weight: 10 pounds, 4 ounces (25th %)
- Head Circumference: 15 3/4 inches (67th%)


  1. I love reading your blogs and your updates on what is going. I have yet to meet Miss Madelyn in person, but when I do, I know I will love her just as much as I love her now.

  2. Thanks, Jessie! Can't wait until you can meet her also, Madelyn is so lucky to have a loving "Aunt" like you! Love you so much and miss you!
