

Craftiness gone wrong...

So...before Madelyn was born, I had this vision of this cutesy little craft I would do the day we brought her home from the hospital that I would proudly hang in the nursery as art. I got the idea from Pinterest (of course!)
baby handprint/footprint - too cute
Well...low and behold, I turn around, and two months have passed - with no cutesy artwork to commemorate how teeny tiny her newborn hands and feet were! :(

So, I drove right out to the store to gather the supplies I needed to make this happen.
 I bought simple wood frames, white spray paint to paint the frames, pink paint for dipping hands and feet, and green scrapbooking paper to stamp the little appendages on. Easy, peasy...or so I thought. 

I did have the foresight to realize I probably wouldn't be able to do this on my own. So, one night when Billy got home, I explained my plan. After much trial and error, we finally got a footprint! 
However, I realized too late that I didn't leave enough paper around the footprint for the frame. :( BOO! 

The handprints were another story. No matter how much we tried, Miss Madelyn would NOT cooperate, and we were unable to get her to unclench her fist enough for a handprint stamp. When looking back on the original post from Pinterest, I saw that this mother waited until her daughter was about four months old - perhaps it will be easier then! 

 Surprisingly, Madelyn was a great sport throughout this entire ordeal. However, in a matter of minutes, pink paint went from covering her foot and hand, to covering her face, as well as mommy and daddy. A bath was in order.
Poor baby did not know what we were putting her through!

Maybe we'll try again in a few months!

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