

Happy Baby = Happy Mommy

     Eight weeks ago today, our family's world was forever changed when our little munchkin was born. It's hard to believe how fast those eight weeks have flown. She is changing and growing up everyday and it's amazing to witness the transformations.
  I am so happy to report that it seems as if (and I'm crossing my fingers still) Madelyn has turned a corner with the sleep issues mentioned on last week's post. After a rough couple of weeks (weeks 6 & 7) with Madelyn averaging six hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, and some sleepless nights, it seems that she is finally settling into a better sleeping schedule, and actually taking naps - hallelujah!

     Not only does this mean more sleep for baby, which means she is in a happier mood, but it also means a more relaxed and happy mommy. Sleep is a miracle worker.
   Now I know that we are definitely not out of the woods yet. We still have a lot of work to do. She is still unable to fall asleep without being rocked in our arms and staying there for a good 10-15 minutes before we can put her down, and we are usually having to do some ridiculous bouncing, shushing, rocking, patting - all at the same time - to get her to close those little eyes, and keep them shut.

    Not to mention she is still sleeping in our room in her swing (gasp!) I know, I know, we are not supposed to let her sleep there, but after the last few weeks, we were desperate to get her to sleep ANYWHERE.
     I know you're thinking that by the looks of these pictures she doesn't seem to have any trouble sleeping...but I assure you that is simply not the case. It's just that the majority of the time I only have my hands free to to take pictures of her when she's finally deep in slumber.
     Now our job will be to begin transitioning her to her crib to sleep. My plan is to start first with naps and then eventually at night. I think I'll first have to be ready for that final step before I can put her down the hall (it seems so far away!)

     Until the next time I can get on in my spare time (HA!), I'll leave a couple pics from this week. She so happily entertained with the ceiling fan and is smiling more and more each day. It just melts my heart! Wish us luck as we pray this new happy trend continues!

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