Miss M. has been such a careful, timid, little thing in regards to most new milestones. With many of her gross motor skills, she had definitely taken her time. Through it all, I've tried to take everyone's advice, and enjoy the fact that she wasn't completely mobile and not able to get into EVERYTHING. Since Miss M. has been crawling around for a few months, we've been trying to get her accustomed to standing on her own two feet, but a lot of times, she crumples under the pressure and cries like a little princess.
Over the last few weeks, she has gotten really good at pushing up on things that are low to the ground and straightening her legs, (the first step, low to the ground fireplace hearths), but she hasn't been able to actually pull up on to something, such as a couch. (She's been thinking about it, though!)
However, this week, she FINALLY pulled up! Unfortunately, I was at work when she finally made her big move. :( I was so sad but luckily the babysitter snapped a few pics of her in all her glory.
This weekend, she has been busy practicing her new skill. She's been pulling up on the couch and the baby gate. Now we'll just have to watch and wait for that next milestone - taking her first few steps! Which will officially mean she is a toddler - so I'll wait as long as it takes!
Doesn't she look like such a BIG girl?!
Oh my heart melts. She's such a gift. I Love her so.