

Cherishing the weekends

Now that I'm back to work, I find myself truly enjoying every moment during the weekends. Especially when the weather is as beautiful as it's been. I love this time of year - when you can feel the crisp, cool feel of fall moving in. 

Last weekend, we took full advantage of the weekend. We started by watching my cousin kill it as a kicker for our local high school football team. 

Miss M. did great at the game, even though we kept her up to almost 10 (eek!) She was thoroughly entertained by the beat of the marching band, the cheering of the cheerleaders, and the dancer's pom poms (oh yea, and the football team!) Of course, people watching provided most of the entertainment.

The next morning, we all enjoyed some blueberry pancakes. It wouldn't be Saturday without a special breakfast treat! 

Then, it was off to Glen Allen Day. We got to see a lot of my kiddos and Miss M. loved seeing all the festivities from the stroller. What a great festival and tradition! 

From there, we headed north to peruse the outdoorsiness that is Bass Pro Shop. Mr. B. was in heaven. We ate at their restaurant for lunch and the highlight was definitely the huge fish tank!

The next day, we enjoyed the weather outdoors at a cookout. Miss M. LOVED the big dogs that were there, although she was slightly overwhelmed by their size at first compared to little miss priss Bella, who is all of 12 pounds.

She was in such delight over the big dog that I had to share this cute video. She just couldn't get enough! 

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, Missy's hair is really growing. She's a cutie pie.
