

Level II Ultrasound

Billy and I were so anxious and worried after our referral to a specialist to delve deeper into the development of our baby girl after last week's 20 week ultrasound. However, we were overwhelmed with the love, well wishes, thoughts, and prayers that had been sent our way over the last few days from our loved ones. It meant so much to us to be going in to today's appointment knowing that we had such a wonderful support system behind us. I knew that, despite my anxiousness, no matter what happened at the appointment, we would be ok because of the incredible people in our lives. 

During the ultrasound, the technician spent so much time measuring every aspect of the baby's development - kidneys, femurs, brain, heart...everything! I have to say that it was quite nerve-racking, as I had no idea what they were looking for - or what we were looking at, for that matter! Towards the end of the appointment, we started loosening up when we saw baby girl holding on to her foot, hiccuping, and hiding her face shyly. The most amazing part was seeing her beautiful face in the 4-D pictures.

Once the doctor arrived, he did a great job explaining all the other markers for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18, the two major chromosomal abnormalities associated with the echogenic focus and choroid plexus cysts found on the baby. As he walked us through the other indicators he was looking for, he explained that, according to the ultrasound, our baby showed no signs of any other markers or developmental abnormalities. We breathed a huge sigh of relief as he showed us how our baby was lookin' good!

The geneticist then explained that according to my 16 week blood work, our baby has a 1 in approximately 8,000 chance of having Downs - coupled with the ultrasound findings, our probability goes up to a 1 in 4,000 chance. We felt so great about those odds. Trisomoy 18 is much more scary, and it is difficult to give a probability. My blood work did not show an increased risk for this condition, and the ultrasound did not show any other signs for the condition, such as a cleft lip or clenched fists, so the geneticist felt the risk was low for Trisomy 18 as well. Although she offered an amniocentesis, we felt great about the news we heard and decided not to go forward with any more testing. 

Today we had the greatest news we could possibly receive - and we know it was not without God's grace and power- and thanks to your prayers. We still do not know the outcome of our baby's future 100% - no one does, and that's life. However, we have much more peace of mind and are beyond excited to continue planning for our hopeful future. 

We have another follow up ultrasound with the specialist in four weeks to check on the progress of the cysts and the baby. The doctor said that in 20 years, all the chloroid plexus cysts he had seen had disappeared. Usually, this occurs by the 28th week. We will continue to pray and will continue to ask for your prayers that these cysts will continue to diminish, and no other defects will be found.

Here are baby girl's 20 week ultrasound pics from last week:


Here is the 21 week profile picture from today:

...and here are the 4-D pictures - (we are biased)...but we think she's beautiful!!!

 She has her foot near her mouth - look at those toes!

Only the Lord knows the outcome of our future. Billy and I feel so blessed and comforted by today's results and we will continue to trust that our baby's future is bright. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers!
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
   before you were born I set you apart"
Jeremiah 1:5

1 comment:

  1. Oh, she's beautiful. Can;t wait until next months ultrasound. Love and blessings:)
